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Organizations (private preview)

Invite Members to your Organization and collaborate on projects

Organizations let you work with your Neon projects as a team. By creating an organization, you can bring together Members and Guests, manage permissions, and organize all of your team's projects under a single umbrella.

Feature Coming Soon

Available in private preview for existing paid accounts only. To start using the Organizations feature, request access and we'll help you get set up.

What are Organizations in Neon?

There are two account types available in Neon:

  • Personal account
  • Organization account

Any Neon user with a paid personal account can request an Organization account, which allows for sharing projects across the various members that make up your team. Whether you create an organization or are invited to join one, you retain your personal account, letting you manage personal projects independently of any organizations you belong to.

From the Neon Console, you can navigate to your Organization dashboard, where you'll find all projects in the organization and various user management actions that you can take as the Admin.

organizations projects tab

Types of users

Within each organization are three types of users:

  • Admin — Administrators have access to all projects in the organization. Additionally, admins manage all permissions, invitations, and billing details.
  • Members — Members have access to all the projects that belong to the organization. They need to be invited to the organization by an Admin.
  • Guests — Guests are people given limited access to particular projects, using project sharing. They do not have access to the Organization dashboard. Projects will appear under the Shared with me grouping in their personal account.

Request access to the private preview

During the private preview, direct creation of your own organization is not available. This feature is exclusively available to users with paid Neon accounts. Here’s how you can request a new Organization and what to expect:

How to request access

  1. Submit a Request — Contact our Customer Success team and ask to join the private preview for Organizations and we'll start the process.

  2. Provide Organization Details — During the request process, you will be asked to provide:

    • The email of the Neon account you would like to designate as the Organization Admin.
    • The name of your new Organization as it will appear for all Members in the Neon Console.
    • Your informed consent, acknowledging that you understand the current limitations of the private preview.

What happens next

Once your request is processed:

  1. Project Transfer — All existing projects in your personal account will be automatically transferred to your new organization.
  2. Admin Role — You will be assigned as the Admin of the organization, letting you invite Members to get started working together.
  3. Billing Transition — Your existing paid plan (Launch, Scale, or Enterprise) will transfer to the organization. Any Admin can manage billing details. To delegate billing management, promote a regular Member to Admin.
  4. Personal Account Adjustment — Your personal account will convert to a Free Tier, allowing you to continue individual projects without affecting your organization.

We value your feedback throughout this preview phase to enhance and refine the Organizations feature.

Manage your organization

Learn how to manage your organization's projects, invite Members and Guests, revise permissions, and oversee billing details. This section explains which specific actions each Member can take based on their assigned roles and permissions.

Switch to your Organization account

Easily switch between your personal account and any organization you are a Member of using the navigation breadcrumb.

Switch between personal and organization

Invite Members

Only Admins have the authority to invite new Members to the organization. Invitations are issued via email. If a recipient does not have a Neon account, they will receive instructions to create one.

organizations people tab

To invite Members:

  • Navigate to the People page in your Organization.
  • Click Invite member and enter the email addresses in a comma-separated list.
  • Monitor the status of sent invites on the Pending Invites page; from here, you can resend or cancel invitations as needed.

Set permissions

Permissions within the organization are exclusively managed by Admins. As an Admin:

  • You can promote any Member to an Admin, granting them full administrative privileges.

  • You can demote any admin to a regular Member.

  • You cannot leave the organization if you are the only Admin. Promote a Member to Admin before you try to leave the org.

    organization members

Invite Guests

Admins can also invite external Guests to collaborate on specific projects through project sharing. Guests will not have access to the organization itself but can access any projects shared with them from the Projects page of their personal account, under Shared with Me.


Any users you've already shared projects with will appear as Guests on the Guests page if those projects were transferred during the organization conversion.

organization guests

To invite new Guests, click Invite guests and select the project you want to share, then add a comma-separated list of emails for anyone you want to give access to.

Manage Guests

Click the kebab menu next to the row in the Guests table to manage Guest access. You have two options:

  • Convert to member — promote the Guest to a full Member, granting access to all projects in the organization.

  • Remove from project — revoke the Guest's access to the shared project.

    guests kebab

Manage projects

All Members can create new projects from the Organization's Projects page; however, the organization itself retains ownership of these projects, not the individual user.

Members have different capabilities based on their roles:

  • Any Member can create a project under the organization's ownership.
  • Members cannot delete projects owned by the organization. They can only delete personal projects from their personal account (switch to personal account via breadcrumb).
  • Admins can delete any project within the organization.


On creating an organization, your existing paid plan (Launch, Scale, or Enterprise) will be transferred to the new organization account. Following the conversion, your personal account will switch to the Free Tier, letting you manage any new personal projects separately.

As the Admin for the organization account:

  • You have full access to edit all billing information.
  • Promote a Member to Admin if you want to delegate billing management; however, all Admins will have the capability to edit billing details.
  • While all Members can view the Billing page, only admins can make changes.

For detailed information on pricing and plans, refer to Neon plans.

Feature limitations

As we continue to refine our Organizations feature during this private preview phase, please remember that these features are only available under paid account plans. Here are some temporary limitations you should be aware of:

  • Integration limitations — You cannot install new Vercel integrations on organization-owned projects. However, existing integrations will continue to work on projects transferred from personal to the organization account.
  • Connection restrictions — Passwordless connect is not available for organization-owned projects. Users must use standard authentication methods.
  • Branch management — All users currently have the ability to manage protected branches, regardless of their role or permission level. Granular permissions for this feature are not yet implemented.
  • Project transfer restrictions — Currently, transferring projects to an organization is done in bulk ("all or nothing") during the Neon-managed conversion. Selective and self-serve transfers are planned for future updates.
  • Permissions and roles — The current permissions system may not meet all needs for granular control. Users are encouraged to share their feedback and requirements for more detailed permissions settings.

Feedback and future improvements

If you've got feature requests or feedback about what you'd like to see from Organizations in Neon, let us know via the Feedback form in the Neon Console or our feedback channel on Discord.

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