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Guides/Schema migration

Schema migration with Neon Postgres and Ruby on Rails

Set up Neon Postgres and run migrations for your Rails project

Ruby on Rails is a popular web application framework for Ruby developers. It provides an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) layer called Active Record, that simplifies database interactions and schema management. Rails also includes a powerful migration system that allows you to define and manage database schema changes over time.

This guide demonstrates how to run schema migrations in your Ruby on Rails project backed by the Neon Postgres database. We'll create a simple Rails application and walk through the process of setting up the database, defining models, and generating and running migrations to manage schema changes.


To follow along with this guide, you will need:

  • A Neon account. If you do not have one, sign up at Neon. Your Neon project comes with a ready-to-use Postgres database named neondb. We'll use this database in the following examples.

  • Ruby installed on your local machine.

    You can install Ruby using the instructions provided on the official Ruby website. We recommend using a newer version of Ruby, 3.0 or higher.

  • Rails installed on your local machine. You can install Rails by running gem install rails.

    We recommend using Rails 6 or higher. This project uses Rails

Setting up your Neon database

Initialize a new project

  1. Log in to the Neon Console and navigate to the Projects section.
  2. Select a project or click the New Project button to create a new one.

Retrieve your Neon database connection string

On your project dashboard in Neon, navigate to the Connection Details section to find your database connection string. It should look similar to this:


Keep your connection string handy for later use.

Setting up the Rails project

Create a new Rails project

Open your terminal and run the following command to create a new Rails project:

rails new guide-neon-rails --database=postgresql

This command creates a new Rails project named guide-neon-rails with Postgres as the default database. It will also generate the necessary project files and directories, and install the required dependencies.

Set up the Database configuration

Create a .env file in the project root directory and add the DATABASE_URL environment variable to it. Use the connection string that you obtained from the Neon Console earlier:

# .env


For Rails to load the environment variables automatically from the .env file, add the dotenv-rails gem to the Gemfile at the root of your project:

# Gemfile

gem 'dotenv-rails', groups: [:development, :test]

Then, run bundle install to install the gem.

Finally, we open the config/database.yml file in your project directory and update the default section so that Rails uses the DATABASE_URL environment variable to connect to the Neon database.

# database.yml

default: &default
  adapter: postgresql
  encoding: unicode
  pool: <%= ENV.fetch("RAILS_MAX_THREADS") { 5 } %>
  url: <%= ENV['DATABASE_URL'] %>

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

  <<: *default

Defining data models and running migrations

Generate models and migrations

Next, we will create the data models for our application. Run the following commands to generate the Author and Book models:

rails generate model Author name:string bio:text
rails generate model Book title:string author:references

These commands generate model files and the corresponding migration files in the app/models and db/migrate directories, respectively.

Run the migrations

To run the migrations and create the corresponding tables in the Neon Postgres database, run the following command:

rails db:migrate

This command executes the migration files and creates the authors and books tables in the database. Additionally, it also creates some tables for its internal bookkeeping.

Seed the database

To populate the database with some initial data, open the db/seeds.rb file and add the following code:

# db/seeds.rb

# Find or create authors
authors_data = [
    name: "J.R.R. Tolkien",
    bio: "The creator of Middle-earth and author of The Lord of the Rings."
    name: "George R.R. Martin",
    bio: "The author of the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire."
    name: "J.K. Rowling",
    bio: "The creator of the Harry Potter series."

authors_data.each do |author_attrs|
  Author.find_or_create_by(name: author_attrs[:name]) do |author| = author_attrs[:bio]

# Find or create books
books_data = [
  { title: "The Fellowship of the Ring", author_name: "J.R.R. Tolkien" },
  { title: "The Two Towers", author_name: "J.R.R. Tolkien" },
  { title: "The Return of the King", author_name: "J.R.R. Tolkien" },
  { title: "A Game of Thrones", author_name: "George R.R. Martin" },
  { title: "A Clash of Kings", author_name: "George R.R. Martin" },
  { title: "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", author_name: "J.K. Rowling" },
  { title: "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", author_name: "J.K. Rowling" }

books_data.each do |book_attrs|
  author = Author.find_by(name: book_attrs[:author_name])
  Book.find_or_create_by(title: book_attrs[:title], author: author)

To run the seed file and populate the database with the initial data, run the following command:

rails db:seed

This command inserts the sample authors and books data into the database. Note that the script looks for existing records before creating new ones, so you can run it multiple times without duplicating the data.

Implement the application

Create controllers and views

Next, we will create controllers and views to display the authors and books in our application. Run the following commands to generate the controllers:

rails generate controller Authors index
rails generate controller Books index

These commands generate controller files and corresponding view files in the app/controllers and app/views directories.

Open the app/controllers/authors_controller.rb file and update the index action:

# app/controllers/authors_controller.rb

class AuthorsController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @authors = Author.all

Similarly, open the app/controllers/books_controller.rb file and update the index action:

# app/controllers/books_controller.rb

class BooksController < ApplicationController
  def index
    @author = Author.find(params[:author_id])
    @books = @author.books

Now, we update the corresponding views to display the data. Open the app/views/authors/index.html.erb file and add the following code:

<!-- app/views/authors/index.html.erb -->

  <% @authors.each do |author| %>
      <%= %> - <%= link_to 'Books', author_books_path(author_id: %>
  <% end %>

Open the app/views/books/index.html.erb file and add the following code:

<!-- app/views/books/index.html.erb -->

<h1>Books by <%= %></h1>

  <% @books.each do |book| %>
    <li><%= book.title %></li>
  <% end %>

Define routes

Open the config/routes.rb file and define the routes for the authors and books:

# config/routes.rb

Rails.application.routes.draw do
    resources :authors, only: [:index]
    get '/books/:author_id', to: 'books#index', as: 'author_books'

Run the Rails server

To start the Rails server and test the application, run the following command:

rails server

Navigate to the url http://localhost:3000/authors in your browser to view the list of authors. You can also view the books by a specific author by clicking on the "Books" link next to each author, which takes you to the http://localhost:3000/books/:author_id route.

Applying schema changes

We will demonstrate how to handle schema changes by adding a new field country to the Author model, to store the author's country of origin.

Generate a migration

To generate a migration file for adding the country field to the authors table, run the following command:

rails generate migration AddCountryToAuthors country:string

This command generates a new migration file in the db/migrate directory.

Run the migration

To run the migration and apply the schema change, run the following command:

rails db:migrate

This command executes the migration file and adds the country column to the authors table in the database.

Update the existing records

To update the existing records with the author's country, open the db/seeds.rb file and update the authors data with the country information:

authors_data = [
    name: "J.R.R. Tolkien",
    bio: "The creator of Middle-earth and author of The Lord of the Rings.",
    country: "United Kingdom"
    name: "George R.R. Martin",
    bio: "The author of the epic fantasy series A Song of Ice and Fire.",
    country: "United States"
    name: "J.K. Rowling",
    bio: "The creator of the Harry Potter series.",
    country: "United Kingdom"

authors_data.each do |author_attrs|
  author = Author.find_or_initialize_by(name: author_attrs[:name])
  author.assign_attributes(author_attrs) if author.changed?

Run the seed file again to update the existing records in the database:

rails db:seed

Test the schema change

Update the app/views/authors/index.html.erb file to display the country alongside each author:

<!-- app/views/authors/index.html.erb -->

  <% @authors.each do |author| %>
      <%= %> - <%= %> - <%= link_to 'Books', author_books_path(author_id: %>
  <% end %>

Now, restart the Rails server:

rails server

Navigate to the url http://localhost:3000/authors to view the list of authors. The country field is now available for each author, reflecting the schema change.


In this guide, we demonstrated how to set up a Ruby on Rails project with Neon Postgres, define database models, generate migrations, and run them. Rails' Active Record ORM and migration system make it easy to interact with the database and manage schema evolution over time.

Source code

You can find the source code for the application describe in this guide on GitHub.


For more information on the tools and concepts used in this guide, refer to the following resources:

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